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Draws for Seniors and Junior

Hello Everybody,

Please be sure that you updated your membership in uspa website before you come to play the tournament otherwise you won't have any points and won't work.

The process of registering for a player in USPA is:

    1    Go to the USPA website and top right on the head symbol do the USPA registration, fill out form and from there it takes you to Stripe to make the $40 payment.
    2    Please be sure to clicked on the button to activate your Padelmanager account, inside your USPA account you will find a button to activate your Padelmanaer account for the following tournaments during the year.

Also, if you want to check the draws you can click draws Seniors/Juniors scroll down go to files and you will see all the draws. 

If you have any questions please send us an email to

Good luck to everybody!

Belen and Mike from iPadel Houston




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